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Smart hospital
Artificial intelligence in the treatment room

93% of hospital managers state that the hospitals or clinics they manage have a digitalisation strategy and are striving to realise a smart hospital. This was the result of a hospital survey conducted by Roland Berger in 2019. The goals are also clear: first and foremost, the respondents named the topics of security and process optimisation as top priorities. And why all this? Digitalisation of hospitals can save costs and increase the quality of treatment. In this way, people benefit significantly from the digital development of hospitals. But what exactly is behind the term smart hospital?

Definition of a smart hospital
focus on the patient

Digitalisation is used in almost all areas of life. It does not stop at hospitals either. This is not only about efficiency and profitability, but above all about the well-being of the patient, which should always be the main focus of all actions.

So-called ‘smart hospitals’ use artificial intelligence (AI), 3D printers for implants, networked and remote-controlled robots or digital patient records. But smart building functions, such as individual light and room control or keyless opening of doors are also used in smart hospitals. These technologies are, for example, important components of a progressive university hospital.

Smart hospitals

Increase efficiency through intelligent building management that is 100% reliable.

If you search the internet for a uniform smart hospital definition, it quickly becomes clear that there is no such thing. A smart hospital describes the modern, digitally networked hospital that uses a wide variety of smart products in the building and during treatment. So-called smart products are characterised above all by electronic components and the ability to communicate with other products or the internet.

An important first step towards the intelligent hospital of the future is intelligent access organisation and building control. With SAG Smart Access, we offer digital access solutions consisting of software and hardware for the efficient organisation and automation of buildings. Curious? Click here to go to our digital solutions world!

Smart hospital:
Modern medicine is becoming digital medicine

Digitalisation is changing processes, ways of working, experiences, dealing with data and relationships. Smart hospitals have a fundamental impact on medicine, healthcare and related professions. The relationship between the stakeholders in the healthcare system can be improved through digitalisation of hospitals and by ensuring that the patient is placed at the centre of attention in a new way.

While new technologies with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) play a special role, there are also critics of digital treatment methods: first and foremost the ethical discourse. However, when it comes to digital building control, which makes the everyday life of medical and nursing staff as well as patients more pleasant, there are only advantages to be mentioned here.

Benefits for the person concerned and the healthcare system

Digitalisation of hospitals: A better quality of care? Hardly anyone can object to that. The goals of the digitalisation of German hospitals lie primarily in the areas of security and process optimisation. In this way, both patients and the healthcare system can benefit equally from a smart hospital:

  • Modern and digital work processes
  • Savings and/or economic success
  • Higher work efficiency
  • Relief for staff
  • Safety
  • Controlled and simultaneously convenient access management
  • sustainable resource management
  • Better quality of work and care
  • Employee and patient satisfaction
  • Attractive features for doctors, nursing staff and employees
  • Competitive advantage of a Smart Hospital over other hospitals

The right ingredients for your smart hospital

What seems quite simple when it comes to baking and cooking is somewhat more difficult when it comes to planning a smart hospital, at least at first glance, because it is not least about people. What ingredients do you need to turn your hospital into a smart hospital?

At SAG Smart Access, we support your project from planning to implementation to ensure that you not only choose the right constituents, but also that they result in a functioning smart hospital in the end. The common goal should be to create added value for users and operators, patients and employees with intelligent solutions:

  • Keyless entry
  • Flexibly bookable staff and patient lockers
  • controlled use of laboratory, medical and document cabinets
  • preventive monitoring of functional and storage rooms
  • Individual room control and access management

Mobile organisation of access across locations, analytical recording of demand and usage data.

Manage utilisation rates and optimise capacities. Create new working models and services.

Ensure security on a preventive basis, monitor locking statuses in real time.

Offer customised convenience, protect resources in a sustainable manner, deliver compelling experiences.

Seize opportunities: Example of Essen University Hospital

A change of direction in thinking – this is what Essen University Hospital has undertaken on its way to becoming a smart hospital. As a leading provider of cutting-edge medical services, the 56 associated clinics and institutes make use of the opportunities offered by digitalisation. In this example, the ‘hospital of the future’ holistically encompasses all areas and departments. This did not happen overnight, but was and is the result of an entrepreneurial strategy. It includes decisions and planning from medical equipment to the corresponding IT infrastructure to personnel and individual processes.

Not an easy way? True. In an interview with Health Relations, Dr Anke Diehl, Digital Change Manager at UK Essen, explains: ‘Digital transformation also means that you have to change the whole mind-set in a clinic. Every professorship that is filled, every single staff member has to be taken along for the ride.’

Since 2015, a digital patient file has been introduced throughout the Group, radiology and pathology have been digitalised and robots have been used that mix chemotherapies completely autonomously. A so-called Smart Hospital Information Platform (SHIP) collects and prepares the information for care and research. And that’s not all: The AI Institute, which will be founded in 2019, will analyse the possibilities of artificial intelligence in research, teaching and patient care.

With small steps to the big goal:
Smart hospital

The Essen University Hospital is not the only facility concerned with the latest technical developments. This is how you too can become a smart hospital! In a recent study (2020), Roland Berger analysed closing the right digitalisation gaps as the biggest challenge. You see a huge mountain in front of you that seems insurmountable when it comes to digitising a hospital? Then you’re not alone. Our advice: Instead of taking the big leap, start with small, consistent steps. With a competent partner at your side, you can share your challenges regarding organisation, investment effort and data security.

Are you interested in the topic of smart hospital or would you like to learn more about our solutions? We support you in your next steps towards the smart hospital!

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