Locks as a Service

Smart access
Keyless and location-independent

All over the world, business processes are becoming digital and buildings are becoming smart. A rising trend. The Digital Transformation is just in its acceleration phase. With our software and hardware for keyless access management, we support our customers on their way to demand-oriented intelligent building management: Secure access and entry for doors and lockers, as well as to the resources protected behind them, from anywhere – directly from the smartphone, time-limited and provided in real time.

On-premise or cloud-based –
Smart access management design

The data-based authorisation for keyless access is transmitted flexibly in the local network or across locations via smartphones and other mobile end devices. The locking systems can be opened directly via Bluetooth. Programming of the authorisation from the smartphone to RFID cards and other transponders is also mobile and uncomplicated.

Data becomes the key
Booking instead of occupancy

Sharing economy, connectivity, new work – the major trends in society as a whole are finding expression in new, contemporary models of business, life and work. A significant part of this is the reorganisation of space and building concepts. Data-supported and thus securely validated knowledge about the actual use of offices, lecture halls, hotel rooms, storage rooms or laboratories makes it possible to systematically identify needs and potentials. Only then can resources and capacities be optimised, new digital models implemented and innovative services developed and successfully applied in the market.

RFID, Bluetooth, PIN or time-sensitive PIN ID options
flexibly on and off

The identification options in SAG Smart Access keyless access management are diverse and selectable. Via Bluetooth, the components are activated directly from the mobile phone or a transponder. Users can also identify themselves with cards and transponders with RFID technology (MIFARE, LEGIC and HID) or by entering a PIN on the capacitive keypad. The Time Sensitive Booking Code (TSBC) is already limited in time when it is created and can also be valid for only one or two locking processes.

Functional spaces
Sharing instead of occupying

Office, work and functional spaces can be shared cost-efficiently if access is organised decentrally, online and in real time. In case of non-use despite booking, the room will be released promptly and is available again. Cost-intensive resources such as energy consumption for lighting and heating can thus be controlled according to demand and thus in a cost-optimised manner. The evaluation of the automatically generated usage logs enables permanent monitoring of the actual demand.
In this way, space utilisation concepts are not only cost-optimised, but also designed for maximum performance efficiency.

Customised access
Designing instead of managing

Compliance-compliant processes with the greatest possible freedom is a challenge that SAG Smart Access solves with smart locking systems. Employees have permanent personalised access to secure rooms and work equipment. If required, activity-related access, for example for guests or external service providers, is granted in parallel and flexibly only with one-time validity or over a fixed period.
Open and interoperable
Free integration into existing software and applications

The manufacturer-independent ability to collaborate was and is a non-negotiable basic principle in the development of our LockManager management software. Our customers can thus seamlessly exchange data and integrate it into existing software architectures – and thus benefit from the direct added value of intelligent access management.

Simply order our free trial version here.


  • Record and evaluate usage logs
  • Design compliant processes


  • Share cost-intensive functional spaces
  • Save administration costs for physical keys


  • Organise access in real time
  • Freely select identification options


  • Select and deselect functions as needed
  • Save costs with practical licensing models

As needed

  • Organise permanent and activity-controlled access
  • Manage rooms and users flexibly and easily via software


  • Mobile programming of RFID and BLE via smartphone
  • Spontaneous booking and billing of access on demand

Design award –
Our hardware

System landscape keyless access (excerpt)

Let’s talk about your SAG Smart Access Setup!
Keyless access is just one of four solutions we offer with the SAG Smart Access portfolio. Learn more about our intelligent cabinet locks as well as preventive monitoring and individual room control based on EnOcean wireless technology.
Locks as a Service
Let’s talk about
your SAG Smart Access Setup!

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