Locks as a Service

Buildings of the future are
Buildings with brains

The NEST is probably the most innovative building in the world. The intelligent building is located on the campus of Empa, the Research Institute for Materials Science and Technology Development near Zurich. It evolves almost daily: New technologies for smarter and more efficient usage control are used and architecturally it is also almost unique. The buildings of the future are being developed here.

Buildings of the future are self-sufficient and environmentally friendly

When it comes to energy management, the buildings of the future are simply unbeatable: No energy costs, zero emissions and your own power plant in the basement. That sounds incredible – especially because they do not use fossil fuels at all. But how is that possible?

The sun as an energy source

We already know about solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. Even today, a small percentage of heating and hot water is provided by solar energy. But what if your building of the future could draw more than half of its gross energy needs, for heating and hot water for example, from a solar thermal system? The buildings of the future make it possible.

Compostable building materials, is that possible?

Construction waste, paints and toxins are difficult to recycle. A solution: They make your building of the future almost 100% compostable. The DFAB HOUSE, also implemented on the NEST, is a prototype in this respect. Nothing that has been installed in this flat has been coated or glued down, which means that the building materials can later be returned to the cycle. Innovative, sustainable and elegant, right?

Intelligence will play a major role in buildings of the future,

but what actually constitutes intelligent buildings? In short, they know about everything. They know:

  • how many people are in the building,
  • the personal preferences of the employees,
  • when a service provider needs to be contacted,
  • what they need to remember
glass building under gray sky during daytime

Intelligent buildings are no longer a pipe dream

In February 2020, the intelligent house called ‘the Cube’ opened its doors in Berlin. It controls itself via artificial intelligence and is therefore more than just efficient. The Intelligent House in Berlin has simply moved the building technology to the internet. For example, the central building services system is directly connected to the unit controls of the individual rooms. The Internet of Things (IoT) makes it possible.

Buildings of the future learn from us humans

Scary or freaky? Intelligent buildings obtain their data from the users. Cube Berlin, for example, learns from the people who live and work in it. For instance, the intelligent house knows exactly who prefers which room temperature for working and can set it accordingly in the office and in the meeting room before they enter the room. And the user controls everything via just one app.

Smart Access is the first step towards the building of the future

Many office buildings, universities, clinics, hotels and similar public buildings have already moved into their first digital building controls. Digital access control, for example, makes it possible to organise and manage access rights simply and efficiently.

With our software and hardware for keyless access management, we at SAG offer you the smart solution for the next step into the future. With our locking system, you can control access to doors, cabinets and protected resources from anywhere and from any location – simply by using your smartphone.

Cloud-based or directly on site – your building of the future knows who has access rights

‘Ping – your check-in has been confirmed. Welcome, Peter Mayer’ Simply place the mobile phone on the scanner and enter via Bluetooth. Next, you can conveniently stow the briefcase in the locker – all you have to do is type the code from the app into the keypad and the locker is open. It can be as simple as this when you equip your building intelligently.

In the building of the future, data is the new key. The identification options with our Smart Access System are diverse and selectable for you. Access can be gained via the following options:

  • Mobile phone
  • Cards
  • Transponder with RFID technology
  • PIN code entry

One more step to the future: Three more smart solutions are already waiting for you and your building of the future

  • Intelligent cabinet locking
  • Preventive monitoring
  • Individual room control

Centrally controlled and yet individually oriented: All this is reality today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And the advantages of these systems are unbeatable for your buildings of the future.

They are secure. Access controls, cabinet locks and room controls are difficult to hack and therefore secure due to specially developed operating systems. The rooms and cabinets in your building of the future are also safe from vandalism and burglary – thanks to their integrated alarm function. And the best thing is: There are no additional costs due to lost keys or similar.

They are efficient. All locking systems can be used permanently or time-controlled, so that changing usage options are also possible. This is particularly advantageous in hotels or open-plan offices. You have minimal administrative effort and benefit from maximum utilisation.

They are variable. Smartphone, Bluetooth, PIN code or RFID – all variations are possible (also in combination). And for time-limited access, you can also assign a time-sensitive booking code for the required object in your smart building.

They are convenient. All locking and room control systems in your building of the future can be controlled both online and offline and are completely wireless.

They are cooperative. All SAG systems have an open system architecture. This means that our systems are also compatible with other apps and software options. This makes them easy to integrate into already existing systems.

Have we piqued your curiosity? Then feel free to contact us personally. Together we plan, configure and install the future in your building.

Locks as a Service
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